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Thor, an RPD police dog, passed away

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    RENO, Nev. (KOLO) -The Reno Police Department on Friday announced the passing police dog Thor.

    The German Shepherd was born in 2013 in Israel. Thor served as a police dog from July 2014 to January 2021.

    Thor worked in both narcotics detection and in patrol, where he did apprehension, tracking, trailing and article detection. Officer Dan Knox was his human partner.

    Thor remained with his handler in retirement and his handler and family were at his side at the time of his passing.

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    Article information

    Author: Johnny Stokes

    Last Updated: 1704183841

    Views: 659

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    Author information

    Name: Johnny Stokes

    Birthday: 1985-10-12

    Address: Unit 7513 Box 0295, DPO AE 68249

    Phone: +4706718926295384

    Job: Mechanic

    Hobby: Poker, Crochet, Bird Watching, Archery, Fencing, Basketball, Motorcycling

    Introduction: My name is Johnny Stokes, I am a candid, tenacious, vibrant, cherished, proficient, Colorful, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.